My Favorite dolls
It is very difficult to identify one or two favorite dolls amongst many beautiful dolls. But Barbie dolls have a special place not only in my shelf but also in my heart.
Barbie doll
The Barbie doll was created by Elliot Handler, the founder of Mattel, Inc., and his wife, Ruth in 1959. The doll was named after the Handlers' daughter, Barbie. Barbie was introduced to the world at the American Toy Fair in New York City. The Barbie was intended to be a teenage fashion doll. There has been some controversy over Barbie's figure when it realized but even more than forty seven years later, Barbie would still be one of the most successful and enduring toys on the market.

Let me quote some wonderful records :-
“ …. Each week, Mattel Inc., sells over 1.5 million dolls—that's two dolls per second. Ninety percent of all American girls in the last forty seven years have owned at least one Barbie. If every Barbie doll ever manufactured were laid end to end, they would circle the earth three-and-one-half times.”

Regarding the Barbie’s dress and fittings,” the designers provide the ever-fashionable doll with about a hundred new outfits each year. Clothing has also been created for Barbie by world-famous designers Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, Valentino, Perry Ellis, Oscar de la Renta, and Bob Mackie. Since 1959, over 105 million yards of fabric have been used to create Barbie's clothes, making Mattel a huge consumer of cloth, as well as America's fourth largest maker of women's clothes”

Now Barbie has grown too many different spheres during her run as one of the world's most popular toys. . The doll was marketed as a "Teen-age Fashion Model", so many fashions were available for her as well. She has been a teacher, astronaut, soldier, singer, flight attendant, fashion girl and model. Barbie also keeps up with the latest technology—she got her first computer in 1985.
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