Moral Stories
Clever sheep
Once there lived a sheep. He was very clever but a little careless.
One day a wolf cornered the sheep.
"You can't escape, " said the wolf.
"I know," said the sheep, softly.

" You are great! So please grant me a last wish, you please sing a song so that I may dance one last time.'
"Certainly, said the wolf proudly and throwing back his head began to howl.
Hearing him howl the farmer's dogs rushed to the spot and drove him away.

MORAL: Don't attempt anything that is beyond your ability.
Read More Stories
  1. Story of Christmas
  2. The Thief and His Mother
  3. The Farmer and The Stork
  4. Clever sheep
  5. Two roosters
  6. Clap or slap
  7. Check your friends
  8. The Horse and Soldier
  9. The Wolf and the Sheep
  10. The Lion and the Mouse
  11. The Father and His Sons
  12. The Dog and the Shadow
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