My Favorite cartoon Characters
Pokemon was created by Nintendo for their video game system, “Game Boy” in 1996 and released in Japan. Pokemons are little Pocket Monsters that battle each other when instructed to do so by their trainer. A Japanese game designer named Satoshi Tajiri invented Pokemon based on childhood memories of collecting bugs in jars.
“Pokemon are creatures who possess unique powers. In the Pokemon world, human beings act as Pokemon trainers and capture as many of the Pokemon creatures as they can. The captured Pokemon then join the trainer’s team and help them to capture other Pokemon, enabling the trainers to become “Pokemon Masters”. Pokemon battles have a rigid code of rules that do not allow dirty tricks or easy ways out. Also, Pokemon battles never end with a creature’s death. The successful end to a Pokemon match occurs when one of the battling monsters faints and is rushed to a Pokemon Center for recovery, or when it is captured by a trainer and put in a ball called the Poke Ball.”
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