My summer vacation
My favorite Pet

Cat is my Favorite pet.

Why we love Cats and Kitten?

They are pretty, charming and cute companions. They render unconditional love and affection. They are very gentle in behavior, very calm, no barking and howling or jumping on body and no hurtful love actions like dogs. They patiently wait, watch and kiss our legs with a hizz - krzzz – noise and display calmly their feelings including pleasure, frustration and affection.

I am very much enjoying playing with cats and kittens. Playing with kittens is not only fun, but also it provides valuable exercise. Or even watching kitten’s play gives a happy mood and relives mental stress and strain.

My Kittens
Unni mol & Pussy mol
Andrew and Alice

* A cat has nine lives.
* A cat with six sense
* Wonder cats Andrew and Alice
* Andrew and Alice in wonderland

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